Monday, April 15, 2013

Time is Truly Flying

Dear mom,

So we are emailing a little later than usual today. That's because we went to Waffle House at 7:30 AM with a convert of Elder Gemmell's, named S. V.. Then we went fishing ‘till 11:00. I caught 4 fish, 3 Blue Gils that we kept to eat and 1 Bass that wasn't big enough to keep. Total we kept 7 Blue Gils, which we took home and I gutted. It was fun. Now they're sitting in the freezer ‘till we get home to cook em. Ha-ha. By the way, S.'s 3 little siblings, J., D., and C., are getting baptized on Saturday. Elder Gemmell and I went on an exchange to their area this week and taught the kids and put them on date. It's awesome to see S. (who is about to turn 23 next week) teaching his siblings about a church he's only been in for a few months. He is going to be baptizing them too. I'm excited! Good stuff.

Other than that, this week was pretty normal. We taught a bunch of lessons again, hunted down all the young single adults Bishop asked us to see, and had a ton of people come to church. We had 10 people come, but most of them are people Elder Gemmell and I taught on our exchange and are in the other Elders' area. I really don't care whose area people are in or who baptizes whom, I just want people to come closer to Heavenly Father. Ha-ha.

Time is truly flying. I can't believe it's half way through April already! WOW!!!

I wish I had more to say right now. But. I don't. Ha-ha. Oh well. Life is good. I love being a missionary!

Love ya'll!
Elder Seaver

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