Monday, May 27, 2013

Good Memorial Day

Dear mom,

Well I don't really have a lot to talk about this week. We are still struggling along to do the work here. Things are moving slow. But we're working hard anyway! There is another No More Strangers fireside coming up this week- tomorrow actually- and there are interviews in the morning. 

The library is closed, and I didn't want to wait to email till Wednesday, so I used my geniuseness to develop a solution. Our key in the church opens up the clerk's office, and in there I found a key to the family history library, and, well, here we are. We came here after going fishing with Soua again! Elder Thompson caught 17 fish hahahahahaha. I caught 6. It was fun! Good memorial day.

Well honestly that's about it for this week. I do have a question though. When you send me my medication (which I am in dire need of by the way, my asthma is awful right now!), can you find some kind of non-drowsy allergy medicine and some eye drops that are just real tears (free of additives, just, well, tears)? I'm dying out here from the pollen. 

Anyway, that Lego x-wing sounds superb! Did you take pictures? 

Thanks for being such an awesome family! Love ya'll muchly!!!!!!

Elder Seaver

Monday, May 20, 2013

Gaining Momentum

Dear mom,

This week we did a lot of good work. The family that let us SKYPE are the R- family. They are awesome. He is from Canada and served his mission here. She is from here, grew up in that house, and she tells us stories of carrying bricks down the road to build the LDS church we now go to. Pretty cool. They have a daughter, R., who is somewhere in her 20s. They’re a cool family. We are teaching R.'s friend A. now. She has come to church twice. She is cool. 

Elder Tonge has an injured knee so we stay in a lot so he can rest it. We go to the doctor tomorrow. I understand his difficulties, and I don't mind doing whatever it takes to help him get better so he can enjoy his mission.

You can only read through the area book so many times before my mind goes—
But other than that the work is going well.  We are gaining momentum here.

I am tired as heck.

Dad, I saw the email about my talk topic- that sounds awesome! I can think of a bunch of stuff already. Do you think they would let me give the young men or elders- whoever I teach, mom wasn't sure- an assignment to do before I get home so we can talk about it on that Sunday when I teach ‘em? I want ‘em to read that same talk and Doctrine and Covenants section 4, and section 121:34-46.

Hey question, are you sending me Singulair any time soon? I could really use some of that good stuff. :)

Love ya'll greatly muchly mucho!

Elder Seaver

Monday, May 13, 2013

I Love M.E.

Dear mom,


Anyway, that behind us now, I pretty much told you everything from this week. Except for us going to visit the S. again after talking with ya'll. The husband M. is still not home. He is in Charleston for a while, and comes to visit every so often. But J. and B. and L. and M. JR and H. are all doing fine and we are going to start teaching them again on Friday. They were so excited to see us and we were excited to see them and they said they are now ready to get into church for good. I am excited as heck! :)

Hey, comment on the mail thing- yes Lori has been taking care of me in that respect. She is a great lady. I love her and appreciate her a lot! I don't mind not getting mail because really it was just a distraction. I would be worried about what was in the box 'til we checked, and then wonder what was in the letters 'til we were done planning so I could read it. Now I can focus on the people here instead of at home. Blessings come in disguise sometimes eh?

As for the 23rd- As far as I know it's just going to be me. But yeah, I am definitely driving up to Eagle, Idaho (not Ogden) to see Elder Thompson speak. It'll be fun! I met his family straightway after seeing ya'll and they are hilarious! It'll be fun to meet them in real life too.

I know my time with each companion has taught me a lesson or two that have blessed my life forever. I trained Elder Horne, and I got to go on an exchange with him on Friday. It was a blast to be reunited with him! He is a fantastic missionary. He is a blast! And now I'm a great grandpa- I trained him, he trained Elder Cook, and now Elder Cook is training Elder Adams. Ha-ha! :)

So. I already emailed Jenni, but just to be clear cause I typed fast and was busy looking at pictures of sweet babies. I don't know how college works at all. I just know mechanical engineering is my major, I will live at home this semester, and I will find a job when I get home. So whatever classes they think would be best to start with, including that week before math refresher is what I want to do (they being the masters of BYU, Jenni and Jake). :)

Ya'll are great! I love ya'll muchly! :D
Elder Seaver

P.S. Today I asked my mission president about doing a layover in Detroit so I could see the babies. I plan on finding out if that's possible in the next couple weeks. We'll see.

P.P.S. Jami, tumor girl, I have recently heard a joke I think you will enjoy.

What do you get when two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff?
·      Da Dum Tss.
 What do you get when an entire marching band falls off a cliff?
·      A good start.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

Thanks mom for being awesome! I love you so much! 

I realize I never sent you a Mother's Day card- with SKYPE I totally spaced it- but I hope you know I respect and admire and love you more than I can ever express. 

I am grateful to have a mom who in the same sentence can tell me she loves me and tell me I smell like a dog. I am grateful to have a mom who makes me sandwiches when I'm just too dang lazy to do it myself, but still pushes me to excellence when she knows what's good for me. I'm grateful for a mom who earned her eagle scout- I mean, who helped me earn my eagle scout. 

I love my mom!

Your handsome son Elder Seaver

Monday, May 6, 2013

Official Release Date

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BABIES!!!

That's awesome! I'm glad all is well.

I'll keep my email short then too since ya'll have a lot going on. Everything here is going great. Lori Lee sent me a box filled with a billion fruit roll ups. It was awesome! I made a cake and put them in and on it and it was great.

I have my official release date- August 23rd. Start planning for that. Along with that, could you get some info about working at Vitamin Shoppe, or some info about jobs nearby BYU or home? That'd be great. We'll talk more about it when we call/SKYPE next week. Not sure what it'll be, but be prepared for both. I'll call you Sunday and get it worked out.

See ya'll then! Love ya! Glad the babies are happy and healthy! Give ‘em a nose picking for me!
Elder Seaver

Sienna on Jen's left and Jaide with the binky