Monday, May 6, 2013

Official Release Date

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BABIES!!!

That's awesome! I'm glad all is well.

I'll keep my email short then too since ya'll have a lot going on. Everything here is going great. Lori Lee sent me a box filled with a billion fruit roll ups. It was awesome! I made a cake and put them in and on it and it was great.

I have my official release date- August 23rd. Start planning for that. Along with that, could you get some info about working at Vitamin Shoppe, or some info about jobs nearby BYU or home? That'd be great. We'll talk more about it when we call/SKYPE next week. Not sure what it'll be, but be prepared for both. I'll call you Sunday and get it worked out.

See ya'll then! Love ya! Glad the babies are happy and healthy! Give ‘em a nose picking for me!
Elder Seaver

Sienna on Jen's left and Jaide with the binky

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