Monday, May 20, 2013

Gaining Momentum

Dear mom,

This week we did a lot of good work. The family that let us SKYPE are the R- family. They are awesome. He is from Canada and served his mission here. She is from here, grew up in that house, and she tells us stories of carrying bricks down the road to build the LDS church we now go to. Pretty cool. They have a daughter, R., who is somewhere in her 20s. They’re a cool family. We are teaching R.'s friend A. now. She has come to church twice. She is cool. 

Elder Tonge has an injured knee so we stay in a lot so he can rest it. We go to the doctor tomorrow. I understand his difficulties, and I don't mind doing whatever it takes to help him get better so he can enjoy his mission.

You can only read through the area book so many times before my mind goes—
But other than that the work is going well.  We are gaining momentum here.

I am tired as heck.

Dad, I saw the email about my talk topic- that sounds awesome! I can think of a bunch of stuff already. Do you think they would let me give the young men or elders- whoever I teach, mom wasn't sure- an assignment to do before I get home so we can talk about it on that Sunday when I teach ‘em? I want ‘em to read that same talk and Doctrine and Covenants section 4, and section 121:34-46.

Hey question, are you sending me Singulair any time soon? I could really use some of that good stuff. :)

Love ya'll greatly muchly mucho!

Elder Seaver

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