Tuesday, July 23, 2013


3 Posts are ready for your reading pleasure


Monday, July 22, 2013

Finishing in Spartanburg

Dear mom,

T. and A. N- got baptized and confirmed this week! It's awesome! They are such a great family and I love them dearly! :D 

Other than that, only one eventful thing happened. Transfers have come up. The result is... Only one missionary in our zone got transferred- Elder Davis. That's right, I will be finishing up my mission here in Spartanburg with Elder Nair! I'm surprised because they don't want missionaries to end their missions as Zone Leaders or AP's, but I am as a Zone Leader and Elder Cardon is as an AP. But I'm glad because next Mission Leader Council, which I believe is the 30th, President Holm is taking all of us zone leaders and sister training leaders (basically zone leaders for all the sisters in their neighboring zones) to the temple to do baptisms for the dead :) Oh and we are going to have a third set of missionaries in our ward- sisters. So our district will be 10 missionaries, and our ward will have 6. Wow. That's huge. But we are still in the smallest zone of the mission, with just 2 districts :)

Anyway, that's about all for this week. Glad to hear all is well in Zion! A/C is mucho bueno! Yeah I really do wanna work at Vitamin Shoppe so if you could find out like details and how part-time the part-time position is that would be great. Like I could start with just a few hours and then do more when we get the house done. 

I love being a missionary so much! :D It's the best thing in the whole world!!!!

Love ya!
Elder Seaver

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Week has Finally Arrived!

Dear mom,

The week has finally arrived! T. and A. are getting baptized on Saturday! Please keep them in your prayers. I am so excited! I love that family so much! 

I really don't have a lot to say this week. Like, nothing at all. I guess to answer your questions, D. and N. we tracted into. The N. Family had been inviting missionaries over for dinner and different things for years, and I ate dinner there my first night in Spartanburg, as a matter of fact. It's been 6 months of working with them, but here we are! This weekend! :D

We had zone conference this week, and I saw Sister Stafford and the Pugh boys from Anderson there. They fed us lunch :) It was fun to catch up with them again. The youngest boy had scoliosis, but he got surgery for it and grew 7 inches overnight, literally- in one night. Add on two years of teenager-growing and a boy who was up to my chin when I was there now towered over me. My nose was in his chest. He got huge! Ha-ha. It was fun to see them all.

I love being a missionary so much! It is just the sweetest experience I could ever have asked for, and I wouldn't trade it for anything! There is no substitute for a mission- school will not substitute for it; family will not substitute for it. My mission has meant everything to me, and I will be grateful for it every day of my life, and forever after that!

Love ya!
Elder Seaver

Monday, July 8, 2013

Same Old - Same Old

Dear mom,

This week was awesome! We taught a ton of new people, and have a ton of return appointments this week. One I am really excited about is a couple named D. and N. All her family are members, but her dad was less-active, so she never joined. She and D. have a ton of questions, and they have sort of formed their own belief system since they don't agree with any denomination. We're going tonight to teach them. The N. family is all good to go for their baptism on the 20th. They are all interviewed and everything! I'm so stoked for them! I love that family!

It was fun to read all about your holiday adventures!

I really don't have much else to say. Same old -same old. I love being a missionary!

Love ya'll!

Elder Seaver


I have some concerns....................

There is a lot of stuff we have to do for school. There is a lot we have to get ready. And it's going to be expensive. I need el job. I am in good hands with you, I know. Do you think you could look for some jobs, and look at like a laptop versus like a tablet, or stuff like that? I am worrying for no reason, but I keep having the craziest dreams about school that are wigging me out a bit. :/ Also, do we still have that weight bench at home?

What is going on with Jami? When will they do the surgery? I felt horrible to hear how bad her procedure went. I emailed her that day, but she didn't respond. That's ok that she didn't, I just want to make sure she got it. She is such a tough girl. I wish her problems would all just go away and she could just be happy for Pete's sake. 

I love you mom! Also, I just thought of another thing. What about a telephono? I am so behind on technology and stuff. Sheesh.


Your missionary son with concerns but trying not to think about it so he can baptize everyone! :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

I Pray for You All

Dear mom,

Not a ton to report this week. The work is going well, and we are having a blast! 

The N. kids are going to be baptized on the 20th. I got to go on an exchange with Elder Cardon, which was GRAND! He is a great missionary. It was fun to be reunited with my good ol' MTC companion again. Great guy.

Glad to hear things at home are going well. I pray for you all, and especially Jami, every day. I know the Lord answers prayers. Simple as that!

Cool about the sisters in our stake. You should plan on feeding them right soon after I get home. I hope they're hot. Ha-ha j/k ;) But really.

Anyway, I don't have a lot to say today. We went and helped a member set up a new printer this morning which was fun. Technology is awesome now-a-days.

Hey that reminds me. I'm not trunky, but now that I'm thinking about it... Could you find out about job options at like Vitamin Shoppe or some place like that? Maybe look into working for Lego or Blizzard eh?

Jenni/Jake/dad (technology nerdz) what do you think I should do for a laptop/note-taking method, or is pen and paper best? I am good at pen and paper these days ha-ha- lots of practice with all these meetings we go to. 

And also. I know you all have me kindly in the palm of your hands taking care of me and all, which I really do appreciate. I just wanted to say thanks for all you do my sweet family. I love you all dearly!

I love being a missionary! :D

Elder Seaver