Monday, July 22, 2013

Finishing in Spartanburg

Dear mom,

T. and A. N- got baptized and confirmed this week! It's awesome! They are such a great family and I love them dearly! :D 

Other than that, only one eventful thing happened. Transfers have come up. The result is... Only one missionary in our zone got transferred- Elder Davis. That's right, I will be finishing up my mission here in Spartanburg with Elder Nair! I'm surprised because they don't want missionaries to end their missions as Zone Leaders or AP's, but I am as a Zone Leader and Elder Cardon is as an AP. But I'm glad because next Mission Leader Council, which I believe is the 30th, President Holm is taking all of us zone leaders and sister training leaders (basically zone leaders for all the sisters in their neighboring zones) to the temple to do baptisms for the dead :) Oh and we are going to have a third set of missionaries in our ward- sisters. So our district will be 10 missionaries, and our ward will have 6. Wow. That's huge. But we are still in the smallest zone of the mission, with just 2 districts :)

Anyway, that's about all for this week. Glad to hear all is well in Zion! A/C is mucho bueno! Yeah I really do wanna work at Vitamin Shoppe so if you could find out like details and how part-time the part-time position is that would be great. Like I could start with just a few hours and then do more when we get the house done. 

I love being a missionary so much! :D It's the best thing in the whole world!!!!

Love ya!
Elder Seaver