Monday, July 1, 2013

I Pray for You All

Dear mom,

Not a ton to report this week. The work is going well, and we are having a blast! 

The N. kids are going to be baptized on the 20th. I got to go on an exchange with Elder Cardon, which was GRAND! He is a great missionary. It was fun to be reunited with my good ol' MTC companion again. Great guy.

Glad to hear things at home are going well. I pray for you all, and especially Jami, every day. I know the Lord answers prayers. Simple as that!

Cool about the sisters in our stake. You should plan on feeding them right soon after I get home. I hope they're hot. Ha-ha j/k ;) But really.

Anyway, I don't have a lot to say today. We went and helped a member set up a new printer this morning which was fun. Technology is awesome now-a-days.

Hey that reminds me. I'm not trunky, but now that I'm thinking about it... Could you find out about job options at like Vitamin Shoppe or some place like that? Maybe look into working for Lego or Blizzard eh?

Jenni/Jake/dad (technology nerdz) what do you think I should do for a laptop/note-taking method, or is pen and paper best? I am good at pen and paper these days ha-ha- lots of practice with all these meetings we go to. 

And also. I know you all have me kindly in the palm of your hands taking care of me and all, which I really do appreciate. I just wanted to say thanks for all you do my sweet family. I love you all dearly!

I love being a missionary! :D

Elder Seaver

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