Monday, January 9, 2012

"Don't Ever Give Up, My Son."


Sweet Moses. This week I have been getting cabin fever a bit. I feel like we've knocked every door in Anderson! We are working hard, but no one seems to be interested in Jesus Christ right now. It makes me sad every time someone closes the door. I've been down in the dumps this week. I haven't cried once on my mission until this week. I don't really cry so much as I get watery eyes and depressed that these people are missing out on so many blessings! Plus the week of solid rain and 30 degree weather doesn't help..
So on Friday there was a Leadership Training meeting in Irmo. Since I'm just a junior companion right now I didn't go. Normally I would have just went and three-packed with Seneca, but they are training there so they went to the meeting, too. That put me down in Greenwood. That's a biking area, and I can't bike, so we walked all day. Elder Cahoon was my companion. That was the most fun I've had on my mission to date! He is the best! I hope I get to serve with him again! He's from West Jordan, Utah, so I'm sure we'll be able to hang after we get home. He's been out just over a year now. We found a new investigator, put him on date for baptism this month, and taught many lessons. We also went up to a person and Elder Cahoon said "Good day sir!" They responded "I'm a ma'am and we're not interested!" Ouch. Haha!
One day Elder Hahn and I found an old abandoned mill (not hard to do; there's about 1000 or so in the state, and 10ish just in Anderson, with 20ish in our area) and explored around in it for a few minutes. It was cool! The last report we found was December 26th, 1998. It reported assets around $17 million, and liabilities right around $17 million. They had $1,000ish left over and still had to pay the workers' salary. So... They shut down.
Well the last thing I want to do today is mention something I find hysterical, not hilarious. It's a funny situation, but I'm not laughing... I was looking at the record from the MTC a couple days ago. The Health Department had, hmm, miscommunicated I guess is the word. Or rather, messed up. I was supposed to get a Hep A shot. They gave me a Hep B. So... I am extra B immune, but that messes up the Hep A 6-month cycle deal. I say screw it, I'm fine, I'll wait till I get home and get a REAL doctor to do it.
Anywho, I love being on a mission, and I love serving the Lord!
One of my favorite quotes in the world is this:
"Don't ever give up, my son." 
That simple sentence gives me a drive to do all I can. It brings strength when I think I have none left. Where did it come from, you wonder? None other than... Starfox! Yes, video games ARE good for kids! :D
I love y'all so much!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver
P.S. Mom, no I did not forget... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You're 29! Again! Love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Best Missionary and Brother ever!! So proud of this kid! I am counting every day of the next 2 years waiting for my best friend to come back1But, it makes me feel better to hear all of the wonderful things he is doing!!
