Monday, January 23, 2012

"Woman" is actually a title above "Mother"


Holy sweet Moses! Snow finally! Haha. I've been wondering about that. I'm jealous- all this rain blows. It's wet and cold and smells like stale cat hair. Yum.

As far as an update for this week- there is not much to report. We are working and working. It seems like no one is home anymore when we knock! But we have been doing well at getting less-active members back to church. There were a few there yesterday, and it was nice to see that we had SOME kind of success. Tonight we will be doing a FHE with the Helms. Our plan is to share BRP with them at the end and get a few good solid referrals to visit. We'll see how it goes......

We are having too much fun with the Addisons! Brother Addison is just like that big brother I always wanted. Hahaha. L (Sister G daughter (Sister Addison's daughter)) is just a cut up! Yesterday we went to their house to show her a Coke+Mentos "Science Experience," as she calls it. It was a lot of fun! She also says "busy" instead of "dizzy," and just yesterday we heard a new one; L was searching through something, and when she found what she was looking for she yelled "jack box!" instead of "jack pot!" hahahaha.

We do laundry after email and shopping usually, just before lunch. It's kinda a pain to do. It takes time, and today especially I don't wanna carry it all in the rain :/

I'm sad to hear about Brother Olsen. He is in a better place now, though. I am so thankful for the Plan of Happiness and the knowledge we have of it. Brother Olsen and Brother Cannon are two fantastic gentlemen and I know they are having a great time up there! Can't wait to see 'em again on the other side. Well, ok, maybe I CAN wait- knock on wood*- but it'll be nice to see 'em at their full potential again!

Funny you both saw Nick, I was planning on writing him a letter today! I wish I could email him... That would be so much easier! But I do have his address, so I'll drop him a line. I sure do miss that kid...

So T. G. is having a baby on the 4th, and yesterday while we were there we saw her 3D ultrasound. It's FREAKY! The little human in there opened his eyes and everything! He's all wrinkly and gross, and he snuggles up to her spine. EW! It's amazing what women can do- growing a human like that and everything.. Wow. I'm worried I'm gonna get transferred on the 1st and miss seeing the li'l guy!

Ok, I just wanted to clarify for you- today I learned while studying that "Woman" is actually a title above "Mother." Though "mom" or "mother" would show respect to your own matriarch, calling someone "Woman" shows respect to her to the whole of humanity, instead of just your own family. That's why in the Holy Bible we read women being called "Woman" so often.

Well that's about it for the South. I love it here! I only have 592 days left! Time is going too fast! I hope I can use my days wisely and do what the Lord would have me in such a short timeframe!

Love y'all! More than Legos. And that's a lot.
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

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