Monday, January 30, 2012

The Plan of Peace to a Weary, Lonesome Soul


I was just reading a letter from Sean about choir haha. Brought back a lot of memories, especially about Seattle. What are the chances? Haha. I'm kinda jealous y'all get to be up there.... :p

So, first item of business- 

I will be transferred this Wednesday to a new area... (fingers crossed for Myrtle Beach!) Double-edged sword here. I love Anderson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't wanna leave! But I am excited to go somewhere new and love it, too! That rhymed. Haha.

Today will be my last day in Anderson. We're going up to Simpsonville tonight. Just some  rule the Greenville Stake President has- members in the Greenville Stake can no longer give rides to missionaries to transfer meetings. Dunno why... But that just means all of us leavers are going to Simpsonville (a good central point, also the Zone Leaders' area) and being picked up in the mission van/trailer. It should be fun to ride with all the other Elders. Elder Wilcock is being transferred as well, so it'll be a fun ride talking to him and Elder Ray again.

This Sunday was a broadcast to 42 Stakes in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, in which Elder Ballard and some other General Authorities and leaders spoke. It was mostly about getting the youth on track and getting boys out on missions. There was also a little bit of a smack down saying members need to work harder with missionaries to do the good work. That was nice to hear. Then there was a little smack down on us missionaries telling us we need to work harder- we're not cutting it. Talk about pressure!

We went around yesterday, and will go around tonight, to say goodbye and get pictures with everyone here I don't wanna forget. I'm writing down addresses, #'s, emails, and whatever else so I don't lose these people! :/

Thank you for the package you sent! It was fantastic to get all that music, and I can't believe you found the Celtic Woman CD haha! Awesome blossom! Thanks :D All the other stuff in there was great, too. I had a very good time reading about Brother Olson and Brother Cannon. Sure do miss those guys... Sure am thankful for the Plan of Happiness- the Plan of Peace to a Weary, Lonesome Soul, as I like to call it in these times.

There is so much going on in the world! Here in South Carolina, back home in Utah, and all over the nation in particular. We watched some fun videos lately about the Presidential Race. "Jon Stewart Mitt Romney" and "GOP online debate" are really funny, and you should look em up. :D

Well, that's about all I got for this week. I got dad's letter, and I'm sending one back with a picture or two. Yes. I also remembered his birthday is today. Happy Birthday, my Y-chromosome compadre!

Love you guys! Hope all is well in Zion! Jealous of your snow!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Seaver

1 comment:

  1. We had the same stake conference! I thought of James while I was watching it. :-)
